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Shout3D™ 2.0 - Wizard QuickStart Tutorial

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Here's the finished version of the Shout3D content we'll be creating in this tutorial. The scene consists of an animated (rotating) window. The scene file is in VRML 2.0 (also called VRML 97) format, and is named rotatingWindow.wrl. This scene is loaded into an ExamineApplet. Confirm that an ExamineApplet is being used by dragging your mouse in the panel to interactively rotate the scene.

Since we're looking at the content right now, there must be an <APPLET> tag in this very HTML page. Take a moment to view the source code of this page using your Web browser, and find the <APPLET> tag in it. Everything needed to get the Shout3D content on this page is included between the opening (<APPLET>) and closing (</APPLET>) tags.


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